Big Impact Grants
The Partnership Plan's impact on our district extends far beyond the classroom walls. While many of our grants directly support individual classrooms, there are times when our reach goes even further. We are proud to have the opportunity to fund projects that have a significant impact on larger groups of students, and sometimes even span multiple buildings. These grants can be proposed by staff, teachers, or district administrators who have a vision for enhancing education on a broader scale. By supporting these larger initiatives, The Partnership Plan ensures that our district continues to provide a comprehensive and inclusive education to all students, leaving a lasting impact for years to come. Recent big impact grants include:
“My mindset has changed a lot, and I’ve opened up my options. I’m so proud of myself for pushing myself and figuring it out.”
Peregrine Falcon Project
We have supported the Falcon Project at the high school for decades. This unique program allows students and staff to tell the story of the peregrine falcon restoration effort that saved the species from extinction. Young birds hatched right at Stillwater Area High School and are sent to zoos, breeders, falconers, and release programs.
MN Hardy Apple Science grant
During the 2021-2022 school year, The Partnership Plan began sponsoring a new way to teach science at Stillwater Area High School. Students in biology classes explore a variety of topics through growing MN Hardy apples. The program was such a success in year one that we expanded the project to additional classrooms in the 2022-2023 school year.
Design and Make Classrooms
We provide funding to both Oak-Land Middle School and Stillwater Middle School annually to provide technology and supplies to the unique Design and Make classrooms.
Pathways program
We began financially supporting the Pathways Program in 2019 and have continued our support annually since then.
Orchestra Hall field trip for 4th graders
4th graders in the district are sent on a field trip to Orchestra Hall for a youth concert before deciding what instrument to play in 5th grade.
Theater residency for all 5th graders
Prairie Fire Children’s Theater conducts a one-week theater residency that culminates in two performances for 5th graders in the district to give them theater experience prior to middle school, both on stage and behind stage.
Mental Health INitiative
We provide thousands of dollars to Stillwater Area Public Schools annually to help impact Mental Health across our schools. Read more about this amazing program and the many grants we support.
vocal pedagogy
We provide the SAHS choral department with funding to bring in an outside instructor to conduct an intensive choral lesson once a year. This experience builds the choral team and provides a solid foundation for the year.