Scholarships for SAHS students

building and Mechanical trades, or apprenticeship, scholarship

Femail high school in construction gear Building Trades Scholarship logo.

The Building and Mechanical Trades, or apprenticeship, Scholarship Endowment was established in 2017 by Hugh and Marilyn Madson, of Stillwater, MN. Since then, the Partnership Plan has worked with the staff of Stillwater Area High School to provide two $2,000 scholarships per year to students of Stillwater Area High School who intend to pursue any student enrolling in an apprenticeship, vocational school, technical college or 4-year institution in a career in the construction, building or mechanical trades industry.

Mission of the madson building trades scholarship:

To support students in their endeavor to pursue a career in the construction, building, and mechanical trades industry. The list of trades includes, but is not limited to, the following: Air Craft Mechanic, Auto Technician, Autobody Repair, Carpentry, Construction, Electrician, Engine Repair, HVAC, Mason, Material Moving, Plumber, Refrigeration, Roofing, Sheet Metal Worker and Welder.

how to apply

Applicants must be graduating from Stillwater Area High School and must submit a short essay to qualify. Student may apply directly to The Partnership Plan using the paper application linked below. PAPER APPLICATIONS DUE LAST FRIDAY OF MARCH.

Return completed application to The Partnership Plan, Building Trades Scholarship, 1875 Greeley Street S, Stillwater, MN 55082. Must be received by the last Friday in March.

Students also have the option to apply at the Stillwater Area High School Counseling Department as part of the Community Scholarship program administered by the school, however, when applicants choose this option, the application deadline is determined by the school. Please see your school counselor for the application deadline through the school.

Close Up view of violin, string and fingers with music sheet in background.

hainlen orchestra scholarship

The Hainlen Orchestra Scholarship is supported by The Partnership Plan’s Orchestra Endowment and provides $1,000 a year to one orchestra students at Stillwater Area High School.

how to apply

There is no application process for this scholarship. Staff from the Stillwater Area High School Orchestra Department and members of the Orchestra Endowment Committee choose the recipient and SAHS manages the award.