Teachers, how could you use STEAM grants in your virtual classroom?

The Partnership Plan is running a fundraiser from May 1-8 to raise funds to help teachers bring STEAM opportunities home to students who are now in a virtual learning environment.  We need your help in two ways.  


How can you use the money?

This money is intended to help teachers bring STEAM opportunities to students while they are learning at home. How could you use it?  Maybe it's an app that will help your students succeed.  Maybe it's art, science or math supplies that will allow you to provide more creative learning opportunities.  Whatever you think can help- send your ideas to info@partnershipplan.org.  We are going to fund as many ideas as possible.   *these grants are open to teachers and staff of Stillwater Area Public Schools only.


Help us spread the word!  

We have already secured a total of $1,500 as a match from DiaSorin and Gardner Law.  From May 1-8 we will be participating in #GiveAtHomeMN in hopes of at least doubling that!  Help us by spreading the word. 


If you haven't done so already, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  Like and interact with our posts (the more you do, the more people will see our posts).  Encourage your family and friends to donate to the project.  If you have Facebook, add our frame to your profile picture today!  It's very easy to do and is a super simple and FREE way to help spread the word about our upcoming fundraiser.