4th graders visit Orchestra Hall this year!
Twenty (20) classroom enrichment initiatives totaling nearly $30,000 were funded by The Partnership Plan during its fall 2019 grant cycle. The projects range from a new program aimed at creating relationships between elementary, middle and high school students by building birdhouses and learning about bird habitat to a project allowing students with disabilities to learn how to ride Metro Mobility’s Transit Link. This year’s projects will directly impact 4,065 students in Stillwater Area Public Schools.
The Partnership Plan is the educational fund for Stillwater Area Public Schools, providing enrichment that is beyond the means of District 834. Each fall, teachers are invited to apply for grants to fund creative efforts to elevate learning in their classrooms. The latest slate of grants touches nearly all schools in the district, including the 18-21 Transitions program, the Spanish Immersion program and the St. Croix Valley Area Learning Center.
In addition to classroom grants, The Partnership Plan also makes multi-year grants for larger initiatives. Through these grants, The Partnership Plan sends all 4th graders in the district to Orchestra Hall each year in preparation for their introduction to band and orchestra in 5th grade, funds the Falcon Project at Stillwater Area High School and pays for the Star Lab’s visit to every elementary school each year.
The Partnership Plan also sponsors DaVinci Fest, the science, art, upcycling and film fair that celebrates the academic talents of students in the Stillwater area. Next year’s event will be held January 30, 2021 at the Stillwater Area High School.