Classroom Grants make BIG impact across the district

The 2021/22 school year has brought the Stillwater Area Public School many challenges and many opportunities. The Partnership Plan is honored to be able to bring wonder and excitement to students across the district through our Classroom Grants.

Teachers and staff can apply for a Classroom Grant which provides funding directly to the classroom to support new and unique learning methods. These grant range in size from $250 to $6000 and support students from pre-K to 12th grade.

In the 2021/22 school year, The Partnership Plan provided $46,928 worth of funding directly to classrooms. We funded an archology class and an underwater robotics club. We provided raincoats for pre-K outdoor learners and books for a variety of teachers and needs. These grants taught kids about their hopes and dreams and kindness. With funding from The Partnership Plan, students across the district will be building birdhouse, quilting blankets, improving their vocal technique, learning how to manage anxiety and stress, creating artwork with circuits, learning how to use new technology like 3D printers, exploring the St Croix river and so much more. Here is the complete list of funded projects for the 2021/22 school year:

Underwater Robotics   (F21026)    $1,050

In step one, students build an underwater robotic vehicle prototype.  Step two involves conducting underwater research projects in local bodies of water such as the St. Croix River and Lake McKusick.

Mental Health - Anxiety Calming Tools   (F21018)   $ 250

With recent surges of anxiety, panic, and other emotional trauma as a result of the pandemic, along with distance and hybrid learning models, high school nurse’s office will be updating and getting new physical tools to serve a greater variety of symptoms and number of students.

Literature for Hopes & Dreams   (F21011)   $3,800

In early learners, literature is the best way to foster growth.  This program provides each pre-school building in our district with 3 books each year to introduce hopes and dreams to over 160 of our youngest learners.

Black Excellence and Black Joy in the Choral Classroom   (F21020)   $2,000 

Our 7th & 8th-grade students at both middle schools will interface more intentionally with the contributions that African and Black Americans have made to the U.S. culture.  Interactive and creative workshops to learn about prominent Black figures in the arts, culminating by attending a concert at Orchestra Hall by The Aeolians, one of the finest choirs in the world.

AAA:  Authentic Archeology & Artifacts   (F21001)    $2,264

Social studies learning about the earliest Minnesotans with a real-live archaeologist for 3 full days with his authentic artifacts.  All 6th-grade students will interact with these artifacts and participate in an archaeological simulation. Students benefit by learning required standards in a meaningful and engaging way.

Play With Purpose    (F21004)   $ 600

Creating a rich and comprehensive dramatic play experience creating vast learning opportunities for our youngest students, incorporating math and literacy into these make believe, real-life environments.

Birdhouse Build   (F21014)    $1,500

After completing units in geometry, including surface area & volume, every student will construct a birdhouse they can take home and use in their own yards.  Project directly relates to the Minnesota math standards.

Adapted Music Toolkit:  Special Needs Learners   (F21025)    $ 773

This 8-week long unit at Stillwater Middle School will be taught by the speech-language pathologist, using adaptive instruments and music-therapy techniques to target each student’s individual social communication and functional skills goals.  Unit will conclude with a group performance to parents and/or community members.

 Math Intervention Engagement Materials   (F21010)    $ 975

Covers a pilot K-5 supplemental math program focused on the latest research for instruction.  A variety of hands on math manipulatives and engaging lesson plans will target specific individual student needs.  A Fastbridge math screen with students in the fall along with other data collected will determine the success of this program

Let The Games Begin!    (F21015)    $1,014

High school students will be introduced to the four types of categories of sport and the basic history of the Olympics.  They will learn how games are accepted and eliminated from the Olympics and how politics, economics, and cultural components play a role in these decisions.  Students will create a simulated proposal using the same guidelines as the Olympic committee to ask for acceptance of a game/sport.

Building Strong Readers and Writers   (F21006)    $3,300

Due to COVID many English Learner (EL) students are requiring more literacy support.  This grant will reach EL students in K-2 using texts, lessons, and assessments to fill in the phonemic gaps and build on current reading levels.  These books will reinforce comprehension, vocabulary, and oral language fluency and will be used for many years.

Tailor-Made Tie Dye   (F21013)    $ 500

A fun project to engage all of our curious learners by experimenting with colors, techniques, and methods of tie dying.  Student come away with a new skill, fun memories, and a hand-made project they can use for years to come.

Vocal Technique Intensive    (F21017)    $2,110

After missing 2 years of vocal pedagogy, this will provide a specifically geared clinic focused on techniques involved in healthy vocal production and how to powerfully use one's singing voice.  This 2-day clinic covers body alignment, taking personal ownership, courageousness, and overall intention in one's signing.

Fun Phonics Readers For Library Checkout    (F21019)    $6,000

Grant will provide every Kindergarten and 1st-grade student with a phonic reader to browse and checkout in addition to their regular library books.  Kids benefit from practicing their phonics skills, which in turn strengthens reading skills, confidence, and the enjoyment of reading.   

Mental Health Training    (F21022)    $ 300

Nurses stations at our middle schools and high school are visited daily by dozens of students experiencing some type of mental trauma.  Mental Health First Aid is an international education program proven to be effective in teaching how to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges.

This grant provides each of our 6 nursing staff members an 8-hour training course.

Reading Detectives    (F21012)    $2,560

Intermediary English students are both reluctant and struggling readers.  This program is to get kids hooked early, using their reading detective skills for a range of texts.  This would include a virtual visit with mystery author April Henry.  Students will work independently, in pairs, and in larger groups to complete various segments of the unit.

Quaver Music    (F21021)    $ 840

Enhanced student engagement for kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd-grade students at Andersen Elementary is behind this request for this online subscription.  Ready-made, easy to follow, grade level appropriate lesson plans that align with national standards are provided.  Students' response from a 30-day free trial was overwhelmingly positive.  

Woodworking Collaboration    (F21003)   $2,000

Opportunities to learn different areas of trade careers including woodworking, tile cutting, dry wall, and roofing.  Safety requirements and proper use of hand and power tools are also a part of this program.  Students will build multiple wood projects including a ground deck and a makeshift room where they can practice different projects.

Podcasts To Increase Literacy In Social Studies    (F21016)   $ 299

7th-grade students will learn about U.S. History in a new and engaging way utilizing Listenwise Podcasts and accompanying activities and materials weekly.  Podcasts are focused on fact-based material which students encounter on all standardized tests.

Illuminated Art with Paper Circuits  (S22028)    $1,932

Fourth and fifth grade students will learn how to create a landscape or cityscape with depth using one point perspective as well as basic circuitry using LED’s, button batteries, and copper wire tape.  

Grow Like Me: Phenomena-based Science Engagement   (S22039)   $2,260

Promoting further investigation and learning, books and hands-on materials pique student’s curiosity and provide additional information around the subject of life cycles and growth.  Pre-K learners are provided engaging and meaningful interaction with science concepts around a topic they are exploring daily…growing and changing.

Environmental Science - Wild River Project   (S22036)   $579

Collaborating with the Wild River Conservancy, all 4th-grade students in the district will participate in an environmental science field trip experience on the St. Croix River, working closely with the National Park Service and St. Paul Audubon Society.

Rainbow Trout Hatchery & Sandhill Crane Projects   (S22030)   $2,000 

Replace, improve, and maintain equipment required for these projects at SAHS.  Around 1,000 brown trout are released into Browns Creek annually by students.  Successful crane incubation and fledging are documented in the environmental learning center wetland.     

STEM in the Classroom   (S22033)    $474

Elementary students who love science, engineering, and designing new things now have the opportunity to conduct their own creative building and investigation, using STEM materials.

Shift in Mathematical Paradigms   (S22035)    $1,325

Using quilting as the mode for learning, students in an alternative learning setting will learn geometry and gain a general understanding of math concepts.  This innovative grant takes students outside textbooks and into the spaces they experience daily. 

3-D Printer    (S22029)   $1,111

Provides an additional printer for 5th-graders to help them learn about engineering, physics, and operating a small business.

Community Connections & Kindness   (S22043)    $827

First-graders will write their own books after meeting with a panel of community adults who are experts on kindness.  Students will spread this kindness into the community in a variety of ways.  The focus of this unique grant is to build resiliency in all children, especially those who have experienced trauma.  

 Historical Fiction Book Clubs    (S22040)   $250

This grant provides a class the opportunity to explore a unit of historical fiction book clubs, providing the classroom with history books in a variety of reading levels to meet each reader where he/she is at.  

Decodable Text for Reader Intervention   (S22032)    $1,140

This type of text is used in beginning reading instruction.  Students who are seeing a reading interventionist will now have access to books that forces readers to practice their decoding skills instead of relying on pictures or guessing.  The goal of this project is to develop more successful readers at all levels.

Fiber Handcrafts    (S22037)    $1,000

The pandemic’s effects have highlighted the need to readdress the mental health of our staff and students. This grant will provide high school students with mental health issues personal and video instruction on knitting and crocheting to lessen isolation and the over reliance on devices and social media.

Gear to Extend Outdoor Learning   (S22042)    $2,094

This grant provides proper outdoor gear for all early childhood learners to use in their new outdoor classroom.  Due to the pandemic, we must continue to provide safe and engaging outdoor learning activities whenever possible. ECFC learners at regular weekday, evening, and weekend classes will all benefit.

Orchestra Legacy Commission Project (F21027) $3,000

This grant will commission a piece from a guest musician for the SAHS Orchestra.  

Diversify & Modernize My Classroom Library   (S22034)    $250

This grant provides quality books representing children with physical disabilities, those of color, and showing various economic conditions.  It will also provide the classroom with more graphic novels and readers theater books to increase engagement.